Are you ready to heal?

The time is now.

I am Michelle Dellene MMS, PA-C, RYT and I am on a MISSION TO HEAL THE HEALERS

In 2020 my life absolutely changed

Just before the COVID pandemic swept our world, I became ill with “the flu” everyone seemed to get it and the effects provoked an inflammatory cascade within my nervous system

I invested in several allopathic professional’s opinions and unfortunately was told it would only get worse and there was really nothing to do

I chose to see things differently

Through my deep study & implementation of the eight limbed path of yoga, transcendental meditation, application of the anti-inflammatory protocol and positive psychology

In 8 months I healed my body, mind + spirit

My purpose is to share my wisdom with you, empower healthcare providers to integrate eastern healing modalities into the known and accepted western healing methodologies so we can bridge the gap in medicine, prevent disability and live our lives to the fullest

I combine my clinical experience of practicing allopathic medicine since 2016 with my personal experience of healing naturally to deliver integrated healing through lifestyle coaching

In my online course, Detox To Heal, we get to the root of your illness, apply the anti-inflammatory protocol, practice kundalini, vinyasa and yin yoga and implement a daily transcendental meditation practice

So we can live our best lives, have the energy to do what we love to do and serve as the leaders we are called to be

The truth is you don’t have to settle for a life less than your wildest dreams

You don’t have to be exhausted, unmotivated

& always wishing for more



Are you ready to take full responsibility of your health?

Excited to learn from someone who has been in your shoes?

Are you sick and tired of feeling “less than” who you really are?

Do you discredit your symptoms by telling yourself others have it worse?

It’s time to see things differently

That is where I come in.

As a health coach, I uncover the root of your greatest health challenges, listen to you attentively and provide simple actions to align you on your unique path of healing.

I specialize in helping women in medicine reduce inflammation with the anti-inflammatory protocol, adopt a medicinal movement practice including kundalini, vinyasa and yin yoga and simply implement a daily transcendental meditation practice.

It’s time to live your life to the fullest.

The question is, are you ready?


1:1 Coaching Calls

My Mission is to Heal the Healers

I help women practicing medicine heal. The truth is you cannot pour from an empty cup. Some of us have been conditioned to put our needs on the back burner and focus on the catastrophe before our eyes. Constantly pushed to move faster, ignore what our body is telling us, and cycle through the loop of dis-ease.

Until one day we wake up. We develop a health crisis that MAKES US PAY ATTENTION. Or we simply decide to no longer settle for the mediocre life we’ve created. We realize the life we’ve always dreamed of living is actually more easily attainable than we may have previously believed.

If we are courageous enough we admit it is time for a change. As we learn to heal ourselves we then set the example for our patients, friends, family and colleagues. We develop wisdom we may share with our healthcare community, ultimately healing the healthcare system from the inside out.

3 Month Transformational Program

Detox to Heal

Release what no longer serves you.

Detox to Heal is the strategic program I built that ultimately healed my body from inflammation, fatigue, weight gain, toxic relationships and lack of self care.

I teach you how to decrease inflammation in the body with food. Not only coaching you consistently what to avoid but empowering you to understand what truly serves your unique body, at this current time in your healing journey.

You will learn kundalini kriyas, specific prescriptions to optimize your mental health and clear karmic ties.

You will develop your own vinyasa and yin yoga practice to strengthen the body, improve flexibility and enhance recovery.

My favorite part of this program is meditation. I teach you how to self-transcend in an effortless way that is easy to practice daily. Allowing you to expand beyond all limitations of dis-ease.

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s get started!

Private, Group and Large Event Offerings


Aerial Silk



PA Support

Energy Healing

CME Lectures

Nutrition Optimization

Motivational Speaking

Use the Book Your Free Illumination Call to shed light on the dark areas of your life; blinding you from seeing the Truth when it comes to your unique healing journey.

Self investment is the best investment we can make. It’s time to prioritize our health, set a positive example for the community we serve and rise together as healthcare providers.

No Matter What Never Give Up On Your Healing

xoxo Michelle Dellene RYT, PA-C

It’s time to heal